Answers to the common questions.

Will my data be kept confidential?
We believe data can help services celebrate their strengths and identify what they might do better.
Data about your service will be yours to do with as you will. Aggregate data about services will be displayed in the Premium Plan reports, but never data about an individual provider.
Data about any individual service is confidential and will not be shared without the service’s consent.
Can I share the results?
By all means, data about your service is yours to do with as you will, so you can publish your report if you wish. (It is good to share the results, parents are more likely to provide feedback if they see it being shared.)
Couldn't I just do this myself?
Yes. You could do this yourself, but why would you, when you can outsource it so easily and affordably, to an expert?
The whole point of eQIPd's standardised set of questions and reporting is efficiency - for individual services and the sector as a whole. Services which use eQIPd are more likely than average to be Exceeding the National Standards. Say no more!
The other important difference is that by using eQIPd's standardised questions (which have been validated by data scientists and educators, and designed around the NQS), services can benchmark themselves against other services.
The other factor is time. Outsourcing the administration of the survey lets your staff and committee focus on more important things, like actioning the results of the survey.
What's gone into the design of this survey?
Our surveys have been validated by a data scientist and road-tested with many parents and early childhood educators to get it just right - best practice survey design with the right balance of questions to yield valuable insights for evidence-based continuous improvement.
We want to ask some specific questions about our service, can we do that?
Absolutely, we can add extra questions to the survey to meet your needs for a modest additional cost. That being said, we suggest no more than three extra questions, to avoid survey fatigue.
We are a preschool, not a kindergarten. Can we change the language of the questions to reflect that?
Of course. All our surveys are customised to ensure they reflect whether or not you are a long day care centre, kindergarten, preschool or outside school hours care provider.