Our Surveys
Insights to support quality

Many services use eQIPd surveys each year - it serves as a health check for the service and a vital tool to support self-assessment. The anonymous, independently managed surveys mean service leadership gets to find out what families and educators really think about the service, providing the opportunity to support critical reflection and quality improvement. What you get:
Parent Survey
A standard survey for parents designed around the NQS. Our most popular product, this survey has standard questions for families that help you pinpoint what families like about your service and where there are opportunities to improve. You receive your own unique survey and weblink to email families, a poster with a QR code to display in your centre's foyer, a reminder email template, updates on responses and detailed reports pinpointing strengths and opportunities for improvement broken down into each of the quality areas. We also provide a Benchmarking Report so you can see how your service compares with other services which use eQIPd surveys. We can add tailored questions if you need them.
$199 (plus GST), add $55 for the option to include up to three tailored questions or talk to us about customising at an affordable hourly rate.
Childcare Parent Survey Sample
Kindergarten Parent Survey Sample
Outside School Hours Care Parent Survey Sample
Staff Survey
We provide staff surveys for early childhood education and care staff and outside school hours care staff. The survey asks respondents about how they feel about working at your centre and how effective they feel the organisation is in all aspects of the National Quality Framework. Like the parent survey, we provide a Benchmarking Report so you can see how your service compares with others using eQIPd surveys.
$199 (plus GST), $55 for up to three tailored questions or talk to us about customising at an affordable hourly rate.
Outside School Hours Care Staff Sample
End of Year Kindergarten/Childcare Survey
This survey is a little like our basic survey, however there are fewer NQF related questions and more questions around the Early Years Learning Framework, including asking parents of 4 year old about how the program supported their child's learning and preparation for school.
The survey sample is here.
$199 (plus GST)
Premium Plan
This package provides a comprehensive picture of your centre's strengths and areas for improvement across all stakeholders.
- parent satisfaction survey with up to three tailored questions
- staff survey
- committee survey
- multiple reports by group or room
- benchmarking data comparing your parent survey results to other centres
The links to the staff and committee surveys are below:
- Early Childhood Staff Sample
- Outside School Hours Care Staff Survey Sample
- Committee Survey Sample
Children's Survey
Children's voices should be part of the quality improvement process. This short survey, to be completed with the support of parents/carers, invites children to reflect on what they think of their education and care service, feelings they have and comments they may wish to make. They can also upload a drawing.
$199 (plus GST)
Click here