Listen, Reflect, & Exceed
with eQIPd's online, independent parent & educator surveys
Receive honest feedback from your families and staff in relation to the NQS. Achieve and maintain an Exceeding rating.
Save time
No need to spend time designing and running surveys - eQIPd does it all for you.
Be part of something bigger
One set of measurement tools provides opportunity for benchmarking and sector wide research.
Protect privacy
Results are anonymous. The data we collate about individual services belongs to individual services.
We equip education & care services with insights for quality.
eQIPd's provides anonymous, online parent, educator and children's surveys on behalf of early childhood education and care services. Our surveys have been validated by both educators and data scientists alike. We work with hundreds of services each year, large and small, and have collected well over 20,000 parent and educator responses so far.
The data is in: organisations which use eQIPd are more likely to be rated by ACECQA as Exceeding the National Standards and are more likely to improve their rating the next time they are assessed compared to the rest of the sector.
It's not just about getting that Exceeding Rating; by using eQIPd, services save themselves considerable time and effort in embedding their communities' voices in the self-assessment process.
Our surveys are conducted online. They’re confidential, easy to use and completely independent.
Why our clients love us
"eQIPd offers our service fantastic insights into how our families are engaged and perceive our overall service delivery across all Quality Areas. We can clearly articulate areas for improvement for the year ahead and it allows us to celebrate with our staff the areas where we are achieving. Now in our 3rd year, we can see steady improvements over time and that is incredibly rewarding." - Prom Coast Centres for Children Inc.

How eQIPd helps you
A simple and proven process to include the voices of families and staff in your self-assessment from just $199 (plus GST).

Our Surveys
Surveys for families, staff and children, customised questions, benchmarking and more